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TU student project: “ Air defence tower” Esterhazy park

Over 400 architectural students from the Technical University (TU) of Vienna worked on visions and ideas, after group tours on our roof, regarding the old "Air defence tower”

The award winning works could be seen on display between the 7.5 and 21.5.2009 of the climbing wall fence.

The TU used the opportunity to conduct an "Air defence tower” symposium in the park. After the impulsive talk of a historian an open discussion between representatives of several institutions including district politician’s, residents, architects, public authorities and publicist’s was well underway.  

Regarding the “memorial” discussion I pointed out that we have been running a Zoo here for over 52 years and have thus found a good use for the old tower.  Others were of the opinion that it may have better to dismantle the tower or to leave it standing empty.

At the end of the podium discussion the known publicist Jan Tabor said “ the decision whether memorial or zoo was made in 1957 as the society “Haus des Meeres” received the first tenancy agreement”.